
The center of gravity that absorbs everything and radiates towards everything, an element around which the other four elements rotate in a circular motion. The nourishment par excellence, the Earth. Everything that is sustenance for human beings grows under the Earth, on the earth, walks or rests its paws only for a while on the Earth. Fertile, rich even when apparently not productive, dry but dormant during the winter rest, like the ‘fertile void’ in Gestalt, our feet draw sustenance from the Earth, by analogy, in stable equilibrium, it is the ‘grounding’ that A. Lowen indicates how necessary to rebalance the psychic, physical and spiritual forces, as a return to concreteness, to limit the abstractness of intrusive, brooding thought, to bring it back to the pragmaticity of the project.

The Earth is the opposite of disorder, of chaos. The Earth in the transformation cycle is at the center, the meeting point between the solar, extrinsic, manifest Yang, Fire, the nocturnal, intimate, internal Yin, Water, Yin in Yang, the West, the Metal and the Yang in Yin, Wood. The Earth in the transformation cycle is at the center, the meeting point between the solar, extrinsic, manifest Yang, Fire, the nocturnal, intimate, internal Yin, Water, Yin in Yang, the West, the Metal and the Yang in Yin, Wood. It is the fifth movement, each element has the Earth in common and this holds them together, unites them.

Earth is emotional stability, tranquility, adaptive maturity to the shocks of the environment, empathy. Its stagnation can be reflected in a notable early occupation, an excessive concern towards oneself and others.

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